Throughout the Triangle, Buyers, Sellers and other real estate agents in the know, prefer doing business with the Amy Pomerantz Group for some very good reasons. Starting with is our:
Goal – To give our Buyers and Sellers the very finest service possible. We don’t aim to be the biggest, only the best. Our team is relatively small. Each member has been carefully handpicked with their unique skillset to complete a well-rounded group of specialists that work harmoniously together.
Why we do it – Simply put, we have a passion to serve! As residential real estate experts, we recognize that the sale or purchase of your home is likely the most important financial consideration for you and your family. We never tire of those grateful smiles on our customers’ faces.
It’s enjoyable to do what you’re really good at – It took decades of really hard work tethered with natural skills, to see others benefit from our capabilities. That’s why Buyers and Sellers keep coming back and referring us year after year.
Pride – The satisfaction you feel from exceeding customer expectations by doing a job better than most is eternally rewarding. Also, just knowing that most real estate agents want to show our Sellers’ listings and accept our Buyers’ offers because of our ability to simplify the complex.
We would take very great pleasure for the opportunity to serve you to the very best of our ability.